Creating a Healthy, Safe and Productive Work Environment

3 min read
15/06/23 14:58

A workplace is not just a physical place where individuals come together to deliver key job responsibilities and outcomes. It's a dynamic ecosystem that contributes to the well-being, productivity, and overall happiness of its inhabitants, your employees.

Particularly in an era where remote work is a key feature of many organisations' Employee Value Propositions (EVPs), employers must reimagine what "the workplace" really refers to.

One important aspect of this multifaceted term is the need for employers to provide a healthy, safe and productive work environment, one that is free from unlawful and unacceptance behaviours such as sexual harassment, harassment and bullying.

It is these necessities that we're going to unpack today.

We will explore the importance of creating a workplace that prioritises respect, inclusion, and equality, and the significant benefits it brings to individuals and businesses alike.

Employer Obligations

All Australian businesses have a specific (and legal) obligation to create and maintain a work environment that is free from unacceptable behaviours such as discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying.

From having explicit policies outlining your commitment to creating an environment free from unacceptable behaviours to educating your people (including your leaders) on how to contribute to a respectful work environment, you are setting your team and business up to enjoy the benefits that come when a foundation of respect, equality and fairness exists.

By fostering an environment that supports your employee's psychological and physical safety, you are ultimately adding to employee well-being and engagement, with the resultant impact meaning greater productivity and overall business success.  

When employees feel physically and psychologically safe at work, they are better able to be themselves and enjoy a heightened sense of belonging. This encourages them to better communicate, connect, collaborate and innovate. They will be more likely to express ideas and suggestions, feel comfortable voicing concerns and proactively engage in open and healthy communication.

These are essential ingredients to increase employee job satisfaction, and as an organisation, you’ll be able to retain your employees and experience reduced employee turnover. Moreover, a psychologically and physically safe workplace empowers employees to be their best, contributing to their personal and professional growth.

Nurturing and growing talent in a safe and productive work environment reinforces your positive workplace culture which is good for each individual employee and, of course, for your business.

A Respectful Work Environment

A respectful work environment is an environment where all individuals are treated with dignity, fairness, and courtesy, regardless of their position, background, gender or identity.

It is a place where employees feel safe, valued, and empowered to reach their full potential, where open communication, collaboration, and teamwork thrive, and diversity and inclusion are celebrated.

What respect looks like in one organisation may differ from the next based on their differing core values. However, generally speaking, a respectful work environment is one where employees are encouraged to express their opinions and ideas without fear of retribution or judgment.

Their contributions are valued and recognised, fostering a greater sense of belonging and motivation. Leadership plays a crucial role in creating and maintaining a respectful work environment. It just doesn’t happen by accident.  

Your leaders set the tone by exemplifying respectful behaviours and promoting a culture of inclusivity. This role modelling means that respectful behaviour is then reinforced at all levels throughout the organisation.

An Inclusive Work Environment

An inclusive work environment is also crucial for fostering a happy and successful work environment. An inclusive environment values and respects individual differences, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, and more.

Inclusive environments create a sense of belonging where employees can shine and contribute their unique talents.

Embracing a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds gives your organisation a competitive advantage to better service and support your customers.

Promoting your inclusive work environment to the external market also means you are better positioned to attract top talent. In today's competitive job market, candidates are increasingly seeking to work in organisations that prioritise inclusivity, so to be considered an employer of choice, inclusivity needs to be high on your agenda.

A Workplace Free From Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying

Creating a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and bullying is not just an ethical and legal obligation, it is a strategic priority for organisations to ensure they can create and maintain safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces.

By prioritising the establishment of a proactive approach to maximising your workplace culture, you will create a respectful work environment, fostering the well-being of your employees, driving productivity and building a strong foundation for long-term success in today's competitive landscape.

If you want to implement the HR solutions outlined in this article, book a call with Amanda to explore how Evans Faull can protect and support your business.

Preventing Sexual Harassment, Harassment & Bullying in the Workplace

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