Respect in the Workplace

Preventing Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying

Essential Team Training For The Upcoming Social Season

We all like to unwind at the work Christmas party, but how can you ensure everyone is having fun without the risk of things going wrong. Now is a good time to remind your team of their workplace obligations – even after hours at work functions.

With the ‘silly season’ fast approaching, our Respect in the Workplace training is a timely session to remind your team of their obligations to ensure everyone feels safe, valued and respected in the workplace, including at work or client social functions.

No one wants a party hangover that includes investigating a sexual harassment or bullying complaint!

“It was a positive step forward for our business and one that was needed.”
“The session was engaging and important to refresh on best workplace practices.”
“I felt the presenter got the message across to ensure all attendees really understood.”

Training Overview

This training session will provide your team with the skills and knowledge required to contribute to and maintain a positive workplace culture, where employees feel safe, valued and respected. This session has been designed for all employees within your organisation, to ensure you comply with your 'positive duty' obligations under the Fair Work Act & Sex Discrimination Act.

Program Content
  • Overview of the legislation that keeps your team safe at work.
  • Understanding direct and indirect Discrimination.
  • What is Harassment?
  • Sexual Harassment and the law.
  • Preventing Harassment and Sexual Harassment.
  • What is (and is not) Bullying?
  • Why respect and inclusion are important.
  • What does respect look like in your workplace.
  • What to do if you experience or are aware of an incident.
  • Resolution pathways and support options.
Learning Outcomes
  • Identify the behaviours that create a respectful and inclusive work environment
  • Reinforce company values and the behaviours that support them. 
  • Understand the value and importance of diversity and inclusion.
  • Understand the laws that keep you and others safe.
  • Identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviours.
  • Understand the consequences of unacceptable workplace behaviour.
  • Understand your rights and obligations as employees.
  • Reflect on how you can contribute to a respectful workplace.


Enquire About Training For Your Business

We're proud to have provided training for...

BIG4 s-1
Yamaha s-1
FMND s-1
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ITtelligent s
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Iron s
Equality s-1