Performance & Development

Your Challenges

All employees – particularly top performing employees - want feedback and they want it regularly. 

They want to know whether they are contributing to business growth and success. Employees also want clarity on how the organisation plans to meet their career aspirations and facilitate their progression within the business.  

Your Risks:
  • Without clear development plans and pathways to grow, you may lose good talent.
  • Managers will find it difficult to focus their team on achieving the right results if they are not communicating performance expectations clearly and regularly.

  • Work outputs will not be aligned with business objectives if the objectives aren't actively communicated to all employees.

  • Underperformance is more likely to be tolerated if performance expectations are not clear and feedback is not regular.

Our Solutions

Job Descriptions
  • Create a clear understanding of role responsibilities and requirements.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Create a clear understanding of key performance expectations and deliverables.
Performance & Development Framework
  • Develop a structured performance and development process, to provide (and seek) feedback from employees, and to identify and action development needs.
Leadership Training
  • Raise your Managers’ leadership capabilities to better attract, manage, develop, mentor, coach and retain their employees.

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Job Descriptions & KPIs

Having accurate and up to date Job Descriptions is vital.  It allows for both the employee and you to commence (and continue) the employment relationship with the same expectations and understandings of the role.  We can help you create effective job descriptions that provide clarity (not confusion), to give your employees clear lines of accountability and responsibility.

Developing and implementing key deliverables or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) specific to the employee’s role (and also aligned strategic business objectives) is essential to keep your team focussed on the right results. We can facilitate the process to develop SMART KPIs for all roles in your business.

Creating a performance and development framework around these KPIs, also means you can have effective discussions in respect to the employee’s ability to meet these deliverables.

Performance & Development Framework

Having formal performance and development discussions regularly is important for providing employees with feedback and to keep a continual focus on learning and development. Best practice is to also provide employees with real time informal feedback throughout the year, during or after a project and as a part of a culture of open communication.

We can develop a process to facilitate performance and development discussions throughout the year. We value ‘the what’ as well as ‘the how’ and can assist in the development and implementation of a behavioural framework. Such a framework would align to your values and encourage the right types of behaviour in your workplace.

We can also provide alignment of performance to reward. That is, to assist creating structure around how salary increase and/ or bonus decisions are made, by linking these back to overall performance.

Leadership Training

Investing in the training and development of your Managers is essential. A proactive approach and commitment to building the knowledge and capabilities of your leaders will reap obvious rewards.

We offer a range engaging and practical leadership training workshops, designed to raise your managers’ capabilities to better manage and coach their teams - so they can attract, engage and retain the best people for your business.

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Best Practices For Managing Poor Performers

The chances are that you have an employee right now that is not meeting the required standards of performance Such employees have a direct impact on the productivity and the profitability of the organisation and depending on their role, may have consequences ranging from lost clients to safety risks and workplace accidents, to the resignations of fellow staff members.

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